Akshita Jain's profile

Writing Portfolio

Artist’s mind
Some might say that creatives, the true ones, concern themselves with the way of life as one would take coarse clay and fashion it into art.
The base urges for food and shelter are same as for a beast. 
Too low, these goals for hierophants, preoccupied with the mysteries of humanity. And to reach arcane heights only to fall again to the level of apes picking themselves — unthinkable!
- Akshita
Fool’s Hope
Here in my marble tower, pairing out into a valley of rainbow glass, I balanced precariously on a fragile rope. I had no intention of this experience changing my perception of the inherent muck that was conscious life.
However, for a  few moments trapped in the amber glow of contentment, I dreamed that there was such a thing as purity. 
Perhaps somewhere I would find evidence of a goodness that was enduring and not simply gilded disappointment. I craved being proven wrong but I knew that such hope was a dangerous thing.
Not the sweet dove or fragile butterfly it seemed, hope was a suffocating darkness, that blinded you just long enough for irreparable ruin to set in.
 - Akshita
so you burnt them to smouldering ashes by a
fire of your own constitution, snubbed them out in
an entrenchment of smoke and cinder
and then asked to be ignited in the flames of
a furnace, an unceremonious combustion of carbon
particles, reversing roles, you're merely the ash that
blackened your lungs
have you learnt nothing from the tales of
- Akshita 
What do you understand by the term protector?
According to Oxford dictionary it means, a person or thing that protects someone or something.
But it’s safe to say that a protector can be coined with terms like saviour or salvation. For some it may be in the form of a celestial being, or a material thing, but usually for us it’s a person. No? 
Be it whoever-their mother, father, a brother or even a sister, a friend or a lover, even A teacher or a complete stranger.
No matter how strong a person or a thing appears to be they still need someone who can be there for them, even if not physically but psychological presence makes a vast difference as well. 
Now imagine a kid of around 5/6 , going to their saviour or ‘protector’ and confiding in them, innocently because they don’t know any better and then having been shrugged off like a petulant fly…..what impact would that have on that kid? Years later again they would go to them, ask for help, and gets ignored. 
There ultimately comes a time when they won’t bother anymore. And as an adult it is imperative that they protect themselves , instead of seeking help, for when that One person who should’ve helped them, been there for them, rejected them, they don’t expect any better from anyone else. 
So in my opinion, a protector is a state of mind, which is solidified after taking care of themselves for many years and hoping to do so for others too.
- Akshita
# याद
एक अरसे बाद कलम उठाई थीं,
एक दोस्त की याद सताई थी।
कोरे काग़ज़ , स्याही से भर डाले
फिर भी दिल में मायूसी थी।
मिलन की तड़प थी शायद 
या बिछड़ने की बेचैनी ,
अजीब ही खेल है ये भी
कही सुकून होने को करार ही नहीं।
क्यूँ मिलते है हम ? 
जब जुदा ही होते है।
हिस्से बच गए थे कुछ, चाहिए तो बताना
उधार नहीं तुम्हारे लिए ही है।
अपने हिस्से कि ना सही 
तुम्हारे लिए ख़ुशियाँ बहोत है
 - अक्षिता
# नक़ाब
ना जाने कितने अल्फ़ाज़ हैं जो कह नहीं सकते,
कितने क़िस्से जो बता नहीं सकते
कहते हैं, 
दुखी हों, तो (ये) मत कहो
ग़ुस्सा हों, तो (ये) मत कहो
और खुश हों, तो (ये) मत कहो
उस मुस्कुराहट का ग़म, उन आंसुओं में सुकून
जान तो लेते है और, पर अकेले फिर भी हैं
एक नक़ाब ही तो है ये, जो थमा दिया था हाथों में। 
मैं भी बावली आदत समझती थीं इसे,
पर ये भी फ़ितरत ही हैं॥
 - अक्षिता
Solar panels are the new age innovations

Solar tech has taken a giant leap of faith over the past few years making it a highly promising and lucra8ve source of renewable energy and paving the way for a brighter, cleaner future. During the COVID-19 pandemic we saw a surge in the increase of demand for solar energy. As people spent more 8me indoors and became more conscious of their environmental impact, the demand for renewable energy solu8ons surged.

At Solar Spirit, We provide a wide variety of solar power system related services, consis8ng consulta8on and exclusive solar panel installa8on set-up. Our experts dedicate efficient hours to provide you with all the necessary informa8on that will help in maintaining your solar power system. Our services are just a call away.

With superior grade solar power system services, our solar products can empower your living space for 25 years or more. We have the best systems in the industry like - Jinko , REC , GCL , ET , QCELL , Talesun etc. They are highly efficient, Low-Light performance, Highly durable even in harsh weather conditions , and attractive  warranties.

Installing solar panels for your corpora8ons will help boost your Brand image, lower your energy costs, reduce carbon footprints. Most of us when talking about solar panels we think of panels mounted over roofs of buildings and houses. While it is a very effec8ve and popular way to generate solar energy, several other crea8ve installa8on ideas can add some extra flair to your solar setup, like :

Solar canopies – They are installed over large wooden or metal frames that provide shade for the parked cars underneath them, they also provide clean energy that can be used to power the building.

Solar trees – They are a relatively new idea, where a tall tree like structure is made and the ‘branches’ or ‘leaves’ are solar panels, which provide shade for parking, power outdoor lightning and electric vehicle charging stations.

Solar walls – Consists of solar panels mounted over the exterior panel of a building, serving as both, energy and a design feature. Solar walls benefit buildings with limited roof space or those looking for a specific aesthetic look.

Solar pedestals – vertical solar panel installed over a pole or stand.

Solar windows – A new way of using solar panels instead of the traditional ones. These are transparent solar panels installed as windows, can power indoor lightning and small devices. Good option for limited roof space or avoiding conventional panels that look unsightly.
Impact of stress on physical and mental health!
Stress negatively impacts the health of an individual. A number of illnesses like cardiovascular disorders, hypertension, diabetes, can be attributed to stress. Stress can also affect the immune system of the individual therefore they can easily be prone to varied infections and illnesses, stress can also accelerate ageing. Further, stress can also cause anxiety and depression. Extreme stress can also lead to development of PTSD and other psychological disorders. Prolonged stress can affect memory, attention and concentration of the individual. Worrying constantly, forgetfulness, lack of organisation, lack of judgement, racing thoughts and being pessimistic, all can impact an individual’s performance.
● Individual differences exist in the way stress is perceived and experienced and in a similar manner, the techniques of stress management found to be effective by different individuals will also differ. Some may find Yoga to be more suitable, others may want to go for relaxation techniques.Relaxation techniques help not only in relieving stress but they also help in dealing with anxiety, better sleep, regulation of blood pressure, reduce headache and migraine and so on. One such relaxation technique is Jacobson’s Progressive Muscle Relaxation. In January 2017, Rachana G Chauhan a second year  M.SC. Nursing student, Anil Sharma Principal and HOD of Medical Surgical Nursing of Manikaka Topawala Institute of Nursing did a research to assess the effectiveness of Jacobson’s muscle relaxation therapy to reduce blood pressure amongst hypertensive patients. 
● A research done  by Harvard University in 2015, 16.1 million Americans were reported to be dealing with major depression the year before. Benjamin Shapero, an instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School(HMS) and a psychologist at Massachusetts General Hospital’s (MGH) Depression Clinical and Research Program said “Many people don’t respond to the frontline interventions, individual cognitive behavioural therapy is helpful for many people; antidepressant medications help many people. But it’s also the case that many people don’t benefit from them as well. There’s a great need for alternative approaches.”  
In recent decades, public interest in Mindfulness meditation has soared. Paralleling, and perhaps feeding, the growing popular acceptance has been rising scientific attention. The number of randomised controlled trials — the gold standard for clinical study — involving mindfulness has jumped from one in the period from 1995‒1997 to 11 from 2004‒2006, to a whopping 216 from 2013‒2015, according to a recent article summarising scientific findings on the subject.
● National Institute of Health issued an article on 2010 Jun; Biofeedback in medicine: who , when, why and how? 
Biofeedback is a technique of making unconscious  or involuntary bodily processes (as heartbeat or brainwaves) perceptible to the senses (as by the use of oscilloscope) in order to manipulate them by conscious mental control. When stress is experienced, there are various physiological changes that takes place in the individual experiencing stress. Biofeedback can be obtained for breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, Galvanic skin response etc. that mainly includes measurement of amount of sweat on skin, temperature of skin, tension in muscles and so on.
Erectile Dysfunction: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment.
World Health Organization (2020) defines sexual health as “a state of physical, mental, and social well-being in relation to sexuality. It requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence”.
American Sexual Health Association (2020) explains being sexually healthy as,
● Comprehension of sexuality being a natural part of life and involving more than sexual behavior.
● Sexual rights are recognised as well as respected.
● Access to information, education and care related to sexual health.
● Efforts in direction of avoiding unintended pregnancies and Sexually Transmitted Diseases and seeking care and treatment as and when required.
● Ability to experience sexual pleasure, satisfaction and intimacy when desired by the individual.
● Ability to have communication about sexual health with others, including sexual partners and health care providers.
Sexual health plays an important role in maintaining health as well as wellbeing of not only individuals, couples and families but the health and wellbeing of community and society as well. We have to understand that problems related to sexual health may vary based on gender. Male and females may experience different problems.
Problems related to sexual health can range from Sexually Transmitted Infections, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and Reproductive Tract Infections (RTIs).
Sexual dysfunction disorder
Problems related to sexual health could be temporary that is related to relationship issues or they could be long term like sexual dysfunction disorder. According to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM) 5, for sexual dysfunction disorder to be diagnosed, the problems need to exist for at least six months that causes distress as well as impairment.
           Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. 
Having erection trouble from time to time isn't necessarily a cause for concern. If erectile dysfunction is an ongoing issue, however, it can cause stress, affect your self-confidence and contribute to relationship problems. Problems getting or keeping an erection can also be a sign of an underlying health condition that needs treatment and a risk factor for heart disease.
1. Trouble getting an erection.
2. Trouble keeping an erection.
3. Reduced sexual drive.
1. Male sexual arousal is a complex process that involves the brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. Erectile dysfunction can result from a problem with any of these. Likewise, stress and mental health concerns can cause or worsen erectile dysfunction.
2. Sometimes a combination of physical and psychological issues causes erectile dysfunction. For instance, a minor physical condition that slows your sexual response might cause anxiety about maintaining an erection. The resulting anxiety can lead to or worsen erectile dysfunction.
❖ Physical causes of erectile dysfunction
In many cases, erectile dysfunction is caused by something physical. Common causes include:
● Heart disease
● Clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis)
● High cholesterol
● High blood pressure
● Diabetes
● Obesity
● Metabolic syndrome — a condition involving increased blood pressure, high insulin levels, body fat around the waist and high cholesterol
● Parkinson's disease
● Multiple sclerosis
● Certain prescription medications
● Tobacco use
● Peyronie's disease — development of scar tissue inside the penis
● Alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse
● Sleep disorders
● Treatments for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate
● Surgeries or injuries that affect the pelvic area or spinal cord
● Low testosterone
❖ Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction
The brain plays a key role in triggering the series of physical events that cause an erection, starting with feelings of sexual excitement. A number of things can interfere with sexual feelings and cause or worsen erectile dysfunction. These include:
● Depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions
● Stress
● Relationship problems due to stress, poor communication or other concerns.
❖  Oral medications
Oral medications are a successful erectile dysfunction treatment for many men. They include:
● Sildenafil (Viagra)
● Tadalafil (Adcirca, Cialis)
● Vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn)
● Avanafil (Stendra) 
❖ Penis pumps, surgery and implants
If medications aren't effective or appropriate in your case, your doctor might recommend a different treatment. Other treatments include:
● Penis pumps. 
● Penile implants. 
❖ Exercise
Recent studies have found that exercise, especially moderate to vigorous aerobic activity, can improve erectile dysfunction.Even less strenuous, regular exercise might reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. Increasing your level of activity might also further reduce your risk.
❖ Psychological counselling
If your erectile dysfunction is caused by stress, anxiety or depression — or the condition is creating stress and relationship tension — your doctor might suggest that you, or you and your partner, visit a psychologist or counsellor.
Writing Portfolio


Writing Portfolio
